机构地区: 暨南大学文学院
出 处: 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2003年第6期89-102,共14页
摘 要: 康熙二十二年(1683)八月,台湾郑氏集团降清,清王朝消灭了这一盘踞东南海上数十年敌对政权,完成了全国统一,并在台湾设立一府三县,正式由中央王朝设官治理。在清朝早期治理台湾的一批官员中,陈瑸是治台时间最长,影响最大,政绩也最为显著的官员。虽然在很多人的论著中都曾提及陈瑸与台湾的关系,①但专门论及陈瑸治台之研究作品仅见黄秀政先生一文。②本文主要依据陈瑸文集与文稿中的台湾史料,③并结合清国史、实录、碑传、方志及年谱、档案资料,拟对陈瑸治台事迹作一次较为系统的评述,以求加深对台湾早期开发史的认识。 In August of 1683,the Qing dynasty achieved the unification of the whole country and estab-lished three prefectures and one county in Taiwan under the direct administration of the central govern-ment. Among the numerous officials who had ever governed Taiwan during the early period of the Qing dynasty, Chenbin was the most influential one who had governed and obtained the most remarkable achievements in his post. Up to now, there has been only one paper focusing on Chen Bin's achievements in governing Taiwan by Huang xiuzheng, though many schoclars discussed Chenbin's relation to Taiwan in their research. On the basis of consulting historical materials, mainly from the manuscripts of Chen Bin, the history of the Qing dynasty, the memoir of the Qing dynasty, inscriptions, chorography, the chronicle of Chenbin's life and so on, this article aims to present systematic comments on Chenbin's achievements in governing Taiwan to have a deeper understanding of the early history of Taiwan's exploitation.