机构地区: 西南石油学院勘探系
出 处: 《石油勘探与开发》 1992年第6期43-50,共8页
摘 要: 在拉伸或挤压构造地区,断层上盘的运动过程可用 Whaltham 的有限差分模型来逼近。假定地层为不可压缩流体(等效于体积或面积守恒),则断层上盘地层质点的运动过程可由差分方程求得。该方法计算简单,应用灵活。作者以差分运动模型为基础编制了一套平衡剖面正演计算程序,辅助 Williams 的反演法获取初始断层参数以节省调试断层形态所花费的精力。只要给出断层数目及其解释模型,即可得出系列推覆构造的正演解。最后,我们用该程序计算绘制了川西北矿区中坝气田的平衡剖面图以及构造发展演化图。 Modelling of hangingwall deformaton,during extention or compression,may be achived using a finite difference approach.Under the assumption of incom- pressible flow of the formation,(equivalent to an area conservation)the tra- jectory of any point in the hangingwall during deformation can be calculated by this method.Finite difference modelling is more simple in algorithm than the other modelling,and can be applied to any other deformation process in hangingwall.Based on a difference kinematic model a forward process of the balanced cross sections is constructed using this method.The initial fault parame- ters are achieved by William's reverse method to reduce the effort in the ad- justment of the configuration of the fault.Forward thrust construction of the balancing cross sections can be abtained if the position and numbers of thrust faults ace input.In the last part of the paper,balanced geological structural cross sections of Zhongba in northwest Sichuan and its evolution are simulated by computer using the techniques suggested in this paper.