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Studied on Flotation Separation of Bismuth (III) by Ammonium Sulfate-Potassium Iodide-Crystal Violet System in the Presence of CPB

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 嘉应学院化学与环境学院

出  处: 《嘉应大学学报》 2002年第6期28-31,共4页

摘  要: 研究了溴化十六烷基吡啶存在下硫酸铵—碘化钾—结晶紫体系浮选分离铋的行为及其与常见离子分离的条件.结果表明,在O.5mL溴化十六烷基吡啶(10g/L)存在下,当固体(NH_4)_2SO_4、碘化钾溶液(0.1mol/L)和结晶紫溶液(0.001mol/L)的用量分别为1.0g、1.0mL、1. 0mL时,控制pH值为7.0,Bi^(3+)可被该体系浮选,而常见离子Zn^(2+)、Fe^(2+)、Co^(2+)、Ni^(2+)、Al^(3+)不被浮选,据此实现了Bi^(3+)与这些离子的定量分离,对合成水样进行了定量浮选分离测定,结果满意。 The flotation separation behaviour of Bismuth(Ⅲ) by Ammonium Sulfate-Potassium Iodide-Crystal Violet system in the presence of CPB and the conditions for the separation of Bismuth (Ⅲ) with other metal ions were studied. The results showed that in the presence of 0. 5mLCPB(10g/L) ,1. 0g(NH4)2SO4,1. 0mL KI(0. 1mol/L) and CV(0. 001mol/L),Bi3+ can be floated, and Zn2+, Fe2+,Co2+,Ni2+,Mn2+,Al3+could not be floated, so Bi3+ can be separated completely from Zn2+,Fe2+,Co2+,Ni2+,Mn2+,Al3+ by flotation at pH7. 0. This method has been used for the flotation separation of Bi3+ in the sample of synthetic water with satisfactory result.

关 键 词: 浮选分离 碘化钾 结晶紫

领  域: [理学] [理学]




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