机构地区: 中国科学院大气物理研究所
出 处: 《计算物理》 2001年第4期289-297,共9页
摘 要: 将大气动力学方程组写成正则算子方程的形式 ,通过引入泊松括号 ,并利用原方程组的无穷个不变量 ,深入研究其Hamilton性质 ,在忽略摩擦和外源强迫的情况下 ,证明了大气动力体系是一个Hamilton系统 ,从而构造出求解它的辛算法 ,并用数值试验检验了该算法 . The Hamiltonian nature of the dynamic equations of atmosphere is studied further, based on its regular form and its infinitely many first integrals equipped with a given Poisson bracket. Without the friction and forcing processes, the dynamic equation system of atmosphere is proved to be a Hamiltonian system. A symplectic scheme to solve the system is proposed, whose good performance is shown in a numerical experiment.