机构地区: 中山大学岭南学院
出 处: 《经济学报》 2014年第4期107-139,共33页
摘 要: 利用1980—2009年这30年来主要经济学学术杂志的发表数据,我们构造了中国经济学家的合作网络,考察了中国经济学家的社会距离和结构演变。我们发现,改革开放的三十年来,虽然在学术杂志发表文章的经济学者的数量增加了1.4倍多,但是经济学者之间的社会距离显著地缩短了30%。经济学家整体由"孤立的群岛"演变成了一个紧密结合的"小世界网络"在这个网络中,存在着一些相互关联的"关键学者","关键学者"间互相联通缩短了经济学者之间的合作距离。杂志质量和文章合作的关系表明,合作关系与文章质量呈现正相关关系。 We study the evolution of social distance among Chinese economists over the period 1980—2009.We construct the coauthor network of economists by using the publication data in economics journals indexed by CSSCI(2012 version).While the number of economists has increased by 1.4 times* the distance between them,which was already small,has declined by 30%.The network of Chinese economists is becoming a small world.The network of Chinese economics is spanned by a collection of interlinked stars.A star economist who writes with many other economists,most of whom have few coauthors and generally do not write with each other.It is the links between the stars that shorten the distance between economists.
领 域: [文化科学]