机构地区: 南开大学电子信息与光学工程学院现代光学研究所
出 处: 《中国激光》 2003年第9期783-787,共5页
摘 要: 从掺铥光纤放大器的速率方程组和光传输方程出发 ,引入光场与掺杂分布的重叠因子 ,利用数值法分别模拟计算了光纤掺杂浓度、长度和抽运功率等参数对放大器增益的影响 ,并计算了一定掺杂浓度和抽运功率下的最佳光纤长度及其对应的增益 ,分析了该类放大器增益随输入信号功率的变化关系 ,并计算了其功率转换效率。 A group of equations deduced from TDFA (thulium-doped fiber amplifier) rate equations and light propagation equations, introducing the overlapping factors between the (pump and signal) light intensities and the thulium dopant distributions inside the fiber core, is presented in this paper. Using the group of equations, the gain characteristics of the amplifier are calculated.