机构地区: 兰州商学院工商管理学院
出 处: 《地域研究与开发》 2003年第5期62-65,共4页
摘 要: 通过分析在武威雷台、文庙所作的抽样调查问卷和武威旅游局提供的统计资料,从游客的空间特征、时间特征、旅游类型特征和人口特征4个方面对城市旅游客源市场结构进行了初步研究,得出了一些重要的规律性的结论,为旅游资源开发与规划和旅游管理提供了科学依据。 Based on sample investigation questionnaires at Leitai, Wenmiao in Wuwei and statistical data,the paper analyzed the structure of urban tourist market from the tourist spatial distribution,change of tourist numbers with time,tourist motive and population characteristic,which summed up some important and orderlines facts,provided regional tourism resource exploiter and programming,tourism manager with scientific according.