机构地区: 中国农业大学
出 处: 《农药学学报》 2003年第3期39-44,共6页
摘 要: 采用离体平皿法对来自新疆等4个省区的14个西瓜品种进行种子带菌检测、分离纯化和鉴定,并测定了7种杀菌剂和1种种衣剂对种子带菌的消毒处理效果。结果表明,种子表面携带的优势菌群主要为青霉属Penicilliumspp.、根霉属Rhizopusspp.、曲霉属Aspergillusspp.、交链孢属Alternariaspp.和镰孢属Fusariumspp.;种子内部寄藏真菌主要为青霉属、根霉属和曲霉属;不同品种之间种子表面携带真菌种类差异较大,种子内部寄藏真菌种类差异不明显;种壳带菌率一般高于种仁带菌率。15%·霜·福悬浮种衣剂、福美双和代森锰锌对种子带菌消毒效果优于多菌灵、敌磺钠、霉灵、拌种灵和甲霜灵。 The disinfection effect of several fungicides on seedborne fungi of watermelon seeds were determined by means of petridish testing. The results showed that Penicllium spp., Rhizopus spp. Aspergillus spp., Alternaria spp. and Fusarium spp. were the main seedborne fungi on the surface of 14 major watermelon varieties from Xinjiang, Anhui, Beijing and Fujian provinces in China; Penicllium spp., Rhizopus spp., Aspergillus spp. represented the main internally seedborne fungi. The fungi on the surface of seed were significantly different from each other, but the seedborne fungi inside the seed showed no difference. 15% HMT SCF(hymexazol∶metalaxyl∶thiram=3∶2∶10), thiram and mancozeb provided a good control on seedborne fungi. Their inhibiting effect was much better than that of other tested fungicides.