作 者: ;
机构地区: 东莞理工学院文学院中文系
出 处: 《东莞理工学院学报》 2003年第2期33-39,共7页
摘 要: 所谓“因文求义”,就是据上下文即具体语境以求义。从训诂的角度看,语境可分为文旨、文义、文理三端,词语训诂只有合乎这三端,才有可能正确。反之,要使词语训诂合乎这三端即具体语境,莫过于因文求义。因文求义的依据是语境对词语具有制约功能,其作用则不仅在于考求词义,还可用来校勘文字。 The so-called ' searching for the meaning of some terms according to the context ' is searching for the meaning of some words in the light of the concrete circumstances of the language, in which the words are used. The concrete circumstances of the language may be divided into three aspects --exegesis, real intention, meaning and coherence in writing. Only by conforming with the three aspects can exegesis be correct. To make exegesis conform with the three aspects, there is no more effective method than that of searching for the meaning of some terms according to the context, which is based on the restrictive function of concrete circumstances of the language. It is used not only to search for the meaning of some terms, but to collate Chinese characters.
关 键 词: 因文求义 语境 训诂方法 词义 文旨 文义 文理 词语训释
领 域: [语言文字]