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Planning Measures Discussion of Xingyi Sponge City

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; (杨戴思);

机构地区: 珠江规划勘测设计有限公司

出  处: 《人民珠江》 2016年第2期22-25,共4页

摘  要: 在分析兴义市海绵城市建设试点区综合径流系数、年径流总量控制率等基本情况的基础上,规划提出海绵城市建设的"渗、滞、蓄、净、用、排"等各项规划措施,并对实施预期效果进行评估。结果表明:1试点区下垫面解析后经加权平均计算,规划范围综合径流系数为0.59;2试点区年径流总量控制率设为80%,年径流总量控制率对应的设计降雨量为27.7 mm;3试点区基于低影响开发雨水系统的构建,通过渗透工程、滞留工程、调蓄工程、净化工程、回用工程及利用工程等手段,形成"一园四区,多点滞蓄,水网通达",点、线、面相结合的城市海绵系统;4渗透工程发挥了海绵城市的核心作用,在年径流控制率对应的设计降雨量中渗透工程可分担的雨水控制量比例达到52%。 Based on the analysis of the basic situation of Comprehensive runoff coefficient and the controlling rate of total annual runoff of the sponge city construction pilot area of Xingyi city,the projects measures including 'infiltrating,stagnating,storing,cleaning,using,discharging and so on' are planned and proposed,and the implementation effect has been assessed.The results show that: 1After the pilot area resolved and analyzed and weighted average calculated,the comprehensive runoff coefficient of the planning area is 0.59; 2 When the controlling rate of total annual runoff of the pilot area is 80%,the design rainfall corresponding to it is 27.7mm;based on low-impact development stormwater system build 3 Based on the construction of lower impacts developing rainfall system that including osmosis projects,stagnating projects,storage projects,decontamination projects,reusing projects and the using projects and so on,the pilot area become city sponge system that consist of 'a garden with four districts,multi-point detention and storage,water grid connecting ' which makes the points,the lines and the plane combined; 4the penetration projects plays a central role in the sponge city,because it can control 52% of the design rainfall corresponding to the controlling rate of total annual runoff in the penetration projects.

关 键 词: 海绵城市 年径流总量控制率 规划措施 效果评估

领  域: [建筑科学] [水利工程]


作者 田兵权
作者 肖斌
作者 许实波
作者 杨长明
作者 李俭


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广州大学


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作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一