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作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院华南植物研究所

出  处: 《植物生态学报》 2003年第4期484-489,共6页

摘  要: 在3次样地调查的基础上对鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林内粗死木质残体的贮量、输入量进行了研究,并通过比较林窗范围内土壤养分含量,初步评述了粗死木质残体在森林生态系统养分循环中的作用。研究结果表明:1)季风常绿阔叶林粗死木质残体的贮量为25.278t·hm^(-2),立木、倒木、大枝所占的比例分别为32.02%、49.62%和18.36%;2)1994~1999年间群落的死亡率为24%·a^(-1),死亡个体以胸径小于5cm的为主,粗死木质残体的平均输入量为4.128t·hm^(-2)·a^(-1);3)倒木主体所在的样方土壤有机质和速效钾的含量较高。 Coarse woody debris (CWD) plays important roles in forest structure and biogeochemical element fluxes between different parts within forest ecosystem, and affects the abundance and distribution of many organisms. Compared with the similar studies in temperate and tropical rain forest, CWD storage, annual increment, its structure and ecological functions are poorly documented in monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forests (MEBF) near the tropic of cancer. In this paper, the amount of storage, annual increment of CWD was quantified in an old-growth MEBF at the Dinghushan Nature Reserve, South China. Based on inventory of all trees in a 1-ha pennanent plot carried out in 1992,1994,and 1999, we calculated CWD storage of this community. For sound standing and fallen dead tree, their stocks were separately calculated for bole, branch, leaf, and root using respective regression equations. For stumps, the stocks were calculated based on their volume and average density. Annual increment of CWD for MBEF in the duration from 1992 to 1999 was approximately estimated by calculating the average value of CWD storage increment between two close inventories correspondingly. We also analyzed soil nutrient conditions in a gap to discuss CWD roles in the forest nutrient cycling. Soil samples were collected in 5 subplots (20 m × 20 m for each) in the gap area, numbered as No.7, 11, 12, 13, and 17, respectively, analyzing soil organic matter, available N, P, K and total N. The results showed as follows: 1) standing CWD storage in MBEF amounted to 25.278 t · hm - 2, of which standing dead boles (snags), fallen boles, large bsanches were 8.094 t·hm-2, 12.544 T·hm-2, and 4.64 t ·hm-2 , respectively; 2) Castanopsis chinensis was the main contributor to CWD pool, which accounted for 29.95 % of the total CWD storage in MBEF, then followed by Cryptocarya concinna, Aporosa yunnanensis , and Acmena acucminatissma, with the percentage of 26.39%, 3.87%, and 2.80%, respectively; 3) the average annual mortality rate during 1994 - 1999 w

关 键 词: 鼎湖山 季风常绿阔叶林 粗死木质残体 贮量 输入量 死亡率

领  域: [生物学] [生物学]


作者 胡广
作者 陈天然
作者 范洋洋
作者 何秀兰
作者 孟令国


机构 中山大学
机构 广东财经大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学社会科学系
机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发