机构地区: 深圳大学当代中国政治研究所
出 处: 《中国农村观察》 2003年第4期56-63,共8页
摘 要: 本文在实地调查的基础上 ,对影响大鹏镇和步云乡乡镇长选举改革命运的相关因素 进行了比较分析 ,揭示了现阶段乡镇长选举方式改革中不同利益主体的博弈态势 ,并对实 现乡镇长选举方式改革的可持续发展进行了深入思考。 This paper, based on the field investigation, has made a comparable analysis on the relevant factors dominating the different turn-outs in the election method reforms for the township mayors in the town of both Dapen and Buyun, revealing the game playing by different interests in the current reform of this kind and the reflections on the sustainment of these reforms.