机构地区: 广东省微生物研究所
出 处: 《贵州科学》 2003年第1期78-86,共9页
摘 要: 列出我国已报道的牛肝菌种类28属共397种和变种。藉此希望能更好地认识我国丰富的牛肝菌区系及其种属的多样性,并期望有识之士在逐步完善我国牛肝菌区系研究的过程中,能对本文的内容加以改进与修正。 397 species or varieties of 28 genera of Chinese tubular and lamellate boletes so far known by the authors are listed and their distributions are indicated They are offered in the hope that the information will be helpful to better understanding the Chinese bolete mycoflora and diversity, and the lists will be integrated by the users of insight
关 键 词: 中国 牛肝菌 植物种类 植物区系 物种多样性 海氏牛肝菌属 小牛肝菌属 褐小牛肝菌属
领 域: [生物学]