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The Mechanism Formed the Bonding Force between New and Old Concrete

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 汕头大学工学院土木工程系

出  处: 《硅酸盐通报》 2003年第3期7-10,18,共5页

摘  要: 新老混凝土界面粘结力的大小是衡量界面性能好坏的主要标志。本文通过对粘结界面的宏观力学性能和扫描电镜实验 ,探讨了界面力的来源 ,并进一步深入分析了界面作用力的形成机理。认为界面作用力来源于机械作用力、范德华力以及化学作用力。其中 ,一般来说是机械啮合力起主导作用。但界面作用力受界面剂的影响极大 ,在某些情况下 ,如采用聚合物界面剂时 ,则以范德华力起主导作用 ;采用粉煤灰砂浆界面剂时 ,可以肯定地证明化学力的存在。 The bonding force between new and old concretes is the indication which determines the performance of the interface.Some investigations show that Van der Waal force between new and old concretes is a dominant force,and the mechanical interlocking is very small.However,a different viewpoint is presented in this paper.The authors thought that mechanical interlocking usually is a dominant force,based on observing and analysis of the micro-structures of the interface between new and old concretes by scanning electron microscopy.But the bonding forces of the interface are influenced by the binder,and Van der Waal force is a dominant force when polymer agent is used.Meanwhile,the mechanism formed bonding force is analysed emphatically

关 键 词: 混凝土 界面粘结力 形成机理 机械啮合力 范德华力 化学作用力 粘结机理

领  域: [建筑科学]


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