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A Brief Talk on the Function and Orientation of TCM Medical History Document

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广州中医药大学

出  处: 《河南中医学院学报》 2003年第1期74-75,共2页

摘  要: 中医医史文献学已经确立为中医学科的二级学科。中医医史文献学研究不仅要描述相关知识的演进脉络 ,更应以提高中医界及相关领域的研究者对中医理论发展方向把握的能力为己任。为中医理论研究建立起视点高远的平台 ,给研究者一个观察的制高点 ,让丰厚的医史文献知识浸润研究者的思维 ,让历史智慧激发研究者的灵感 ,随时与中医发展的脉络相参契 ,使某些模糊的印象明朗化 ,形成清晰的逻辑。医史研究要重视内外结合 ,外即古代医学的发展、进步、成就与社会之间的相互影响 ,特别是历代政治制度、经济政策、各种哲学及其思想、教育和考试制度等等与医药科技发展间的互相影响 ,互相促成或互相制约的情况 ,特别是前者对后者。内即探讨、考证、论述古代医学本身的源起情况及其演进、发展的历程 ,从中引出经验、教训 ,以为今鉴。文献研究要加强对医话、散论的研究。注重把握医话、散论与专著之间的互涵互动关系。 Medical History Document has been listed as a junior discipline of TCM, the study of which should not only include exposition of the course of development of relevant knowledge, but also the commitment to improve the capacity of researchers in this field as well as other fields concerned for TCM theoretical orientation. It must establish a senior platform for theoretical studies and a 'commanding elevation' for researchers so that the rich documentary knowledge will soak into minds of the researchers, and historic wisdom will inspire them, keeping pace with the course of development, clarifying some confusions, and forming a clear logic. In the study of medical history, stress should be laid on internal and external integration. The external refers to the interaction of development, progresses and achievements of ancient medicine with society, especially the interaction of political systems, economic policies, philosophies and philosophical ideas, education and examination systems of past dynasties with the development of medical science, or their inter-restriction. The internal means to probe into, to conduct textual research and dwell on the origin of ancient medicine as well its development so as to draw lessons from past experiences. The study ofmedical prose should be emphasized, with efforts devoted to the interaction of medical prose and treatises. Research approaches should be renovated for the development of this field.

关 键 词: 中医医史文献学 作用 研究方向 中医理论

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 朱会军


机构 广州体育学院
机构 焦作大学


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