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A Preliminary Study of Children's Developmental Trend of Metaphorical Ability of Time

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南师范大学外国语言文化学院

出  处: 《现代外语》 2003年第3期221-231,共11页

摘  要: 本研究从产出和理解两个方面探索了儿童时间隐喻能力的发展趋势。产出部分用完成故事句子的方法考察了7个年级组儿童时间隐喻产出能力的情况以及他们使用不同范畴的概念来喻指时间的先后顺序;理解部分用句子解释的方法考察了儿童时间隐喻理解能力的发展情况以及他们对不同类型的时间隐喻的理解次序。结果发现,儿童时间隐喻产出和理解能力随年龄的增长而增长,三四年级是基本形成时间隐喻能力的转折时期,到六年级这种能力趋于成熟。对不同的时间隐喻类型儿童有不同的掌握阶段。对时间的拟人手法和空间隐喻则是儿童最早发展掌握的,而抽象程度高的时间隐喻,如基于“改变者”、“效应”等的隐喻,是儿童较难也是较晚掌握的时间隐喻。 The metaphorical representation of time is the essential and fundamental way of representing time, because without the use of metaphors, it is impossible to represent such an and intangible concept as time. But when and how children acquire this metaphorical ability is not clearly known yet. This paper reports two studies made to explore the developmental trends of school children's ability to metaphorically represent time in terms of production and comprehension of time metaphors and to examine the order in which different verbal metaphors of time based on different conceptual domains were comprehended and produced. The first study looked into the production ability of time metaphors. Seven groups of subjects, 20 children for each group, ranging from primary grade one up to secondary grade one, were asked to complste stories by supplying the last sentence of each story, which required a time metaphor. During the second study (the study of the ability to comprehend time metaphors), the seven groups of subjects were asked to tell the meanings of a group of time metaphors selected from 11 conceptual domains. The findings from both studies indicate that children, starting to gain the basic metaphorical a-bility of time in grade three and four, have a tendency (increasing with age) to produce and comprehend time metaphors better,and that their ability to produce and perceive time metaphors tends to become mature in grade six, around the end of primary school. It is also found that the comprehension ability seems to be a little behind the production ability. There is, however, no significant difference between male and female children in their metaphorical ability of time. As for the acquisition order of types of time metaphors, we have found that the time metaphors based on the more conceptual metaphors such as 'TIME IS EFFECT' and 'TIME IS CHANGER' are mastered much later than those based on the less ones such as 'TIME IS SPACE' and 'TIME IS MOVING OBJECT'. Explanations of the findings, then, hav

关 键 词: 儿童 时间 隐喻能力 产出 理解能力 发展趋势

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 周榕
作者 汪新筱
作者 陆直
作者 张维
作者 刘晓斌


机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理学系
机构 深圳大学师范学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 中山大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏