机构地区: 华南农业大学林学院
出 处: 《华南农业大学学报》 2003年第3期53-56,共4页
摘 要: 基于10000m2样地的帽峰山次生林群落共有维管束植物195种,分属于79科144属.群落的区系组成以热带、亚热带的科属为主,种类丰富但亲缘关系较为疏远.群落外貌终年常绿,可分为乔木层、灌木层、草本层和层间结构等层次.群落的多样性指数(Shannon wiener指数)为3 30,均匀性指数为0 43,生态优势度为0 07.乔木层立木以低龄种群在群落中占优势,若能减少人为干扰破坏,加强培育,群落将向地带性典型植被类型演替. Structural characteristics of the secondary forest community were investigated in Maofengshan. The results show that 195 species in 144 genera and 79 families of vascular plants were found in the 10 000 m2 plot. The secondary forest community is dominated by the tropical and subtropical families, with an evergreen physiognomy. It can be divided into arborous layer, shrub layer, herbaceous layer and interlayer plants which are numerous in quantity. The Shannonweiner index of diversity, evenness index, and ecological dominance of the community are 330, 043 and 007, respectively. The younger populations were dominant in the secondary forest community, which would evolve toward the climactic vegetation with reduced human disturbance.