机构地区: 广东省农业科学院
出 处: 《广西农业生物科学》 2003年第2期92-95,121,共5页
摘 要: 对冬瓜枯萎病菌与节瓜枯萎病菌在接种浓度、接种方法等方面进行了研究。结果表明:枯萎病病菌、FOC(theculturefiltratesofFusariumoxysporum)、FA(Fusaricacid)、标准镰刀菌酸均可用于鉴定抗性;病菌适宜的接种浓度为5×106个孢子/mL;FOC接种浓度以原液的2~4倍稀释液为宜,接种时间为播种后15~20d,即1~2片真叶时期,FA的鉴定浓度以150mg/L效果最佳。 The inoculation concentration and method were studied in Fusarium oxysporum Schlfsp The results indicated that the fungi,the culture filtrales of Fusarium Oxysporum (FOC) and Fusaric acid(FA) were used to identify resistance of varities It was appropriate for identification of disease resistance with soaking roots in the spore suspension, 5×106 spores/mL could be preferable, and it was suggested that the proper time for vaccination was in 15~20 days after seeding The preferable concentration of FOC was 2~4 times dilution,that of FA was 150 mg/L