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Effect of phosphate rocks on nutrient availability of rice on acid sulphate soils

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国热带农业科学院南亚热带作物研究所

出  处: 《植物营养与肥料学报》 2003年第2期203-207,共5页

摘  要: 1998~2001年在已垦和未垦酸性硫酸盐土壤上连续进行6季作物的磷矿粉肥效试验,4种磷矿粉分别为摩洛哥CALCINE和BRUT,ALGERIA及昆阳磷矿粉,另外加上过磷酸钙和重过磷酸钙及对照。2000年起每小区均分成2个裂区,其中裂区Ⅰ继续按以前磷肥用量施肥,裂区Ⅱ则将后4季作物的肥料1次施下。试验结果表明,在未垦地上,施用磷矿粉处理水稻稻草P含量比对照显著提高,植株吸收N、P、K量、土壤含P量显著增加。磷矿粉为水稻生长提供了稳定有效的P源;水稻根部吸收P并主要储存于稻草中;2种施用方法无显著差异。已垦地上各处理间无显著差异。虽然缺P是制约水稻生长的一个关键因素,但在此类土壤上还存在更多的限制因子。 Field trials were conducted to study on nutrient availability of four phosphate rocks (PRs) on rice growth. The trials were arranged on both reclaimed and unreclaimed acid sulphate soils from 1998 to 2001. Results indicate that all PRs could increase P content significantly in straw in the unreclaimed field, total NPK removal by grain and straw and soil P content were also increased significantly. When comparing the cumulative and residual effects (split and single P application), no significant difference between the two application methods was observed. Roots of rice take up more soil P and store in straw. On reclaimed soils, no siginificant difference was recorded. It is feasible and practical to use PRs as a substitute of available P fertilizers on acid sulphate soils. P deficiency is a crucial limiting factor for rice growth, but there are more factors than phosphorus limiting rice growth on this type of soil.

关 键 词: 酸性硫酸盐土壤 磷矿粉 水稻 养分有效性 肥效试验

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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