机构地区: 广州大学地理科学学院地理系
出 处: 《热带地理》 2003年第2期162-166,共5页
摘 要: 珠江三角洲中小城镇地表水污染成为珠江流域主要的污染源。对中山市坦洲镇地表水的污染现状及变化趋势的调查分析表明,由于坦洲镇工业企业数量增多,人口数量增加,环保措施滞后等原因,地表水环境质量严重恶化。为此,制定了坦洲镇近期及远期环境保护规划及水环境治理措施,为指导坦洲镇环境保护工作提供一定的依据。 Surface water pollution in smallmedium towns in the Pearl River Delta is one of the main reasons for deteriorating the water quality in the Pearl River basin and the Pearl River mouth. It has not only a negative effect on part of the area, but also be harmful to human health.Taking Tanzhou Town, Zhongshan City as an example,the current situation of surface water pollution and its changing in the town is investigated and analysed.It is shown that the surface water quality in Tanzhou Town has been deteriorating severely because of the increase in industrial factories and population,and lagging environmental protection measures.A shortterm and a longterm environmental protection plannings are drafted.
关 键 词: 珠江三角洲 中小城镇 地表水污染 坦洲镇 工业企业 人口数量 环保措施 水环境治理措施
领 域: [环境科学与工程]