机构地区: 中国科学院华南植物研究所
出 处: 《广州大学学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第3期224-227,共4页
摘 要: 对水稻纹枯病菌 (RhizoctoniasolaniAG - 1IA) 7种人工接种方法进行试验 ,首次评价了各自优缺点 .结果认为 :“稻秆离体接种法”是比较理想的人工方法 ,其特点是快速、简便、发病速度适中、病情调查方便 ,病原菌容易控制 .其次是盆栽苗接种法、叶片离体接种法 ,菌丝悬浮液较差 . Seven methods are tested by artificially inoculating with rice sheath blight fungus(Rhizoctonia solani) on four rice cultivars in this paper. Their merits and shortcoming are evaluated. The results show that the best method is to inoculate pathogen on separating rice stalk because of its rapid, simple and convenient inoculation, moderate disease-infection, convenient investigation, and easily controlling the pathogen. Inoculating seedlings in pan and leaves in Vitro is a good method. The way of inoculating the liquid of suspension with the fungi pieces is of little effect.