机构地区: 中山大学物理科学与工程技术学院物理系
出 处: 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第3期124-126,共3页
摘 要: 利用等离子体技术对较难改色的山东蓝宝石进行改色实验 ,样品在温度低于 80 0℃条件下处理 4h后 ,蓝宝石透射光谱曲线的主、次峰波长的峰值增至原来的 1 4~ 3 4倍 ,主、次峰波长向蓝紫波段 (即短波方向 )前移 ,显示出山东蓝宝石的透明度提高 ,颜色的色度变得纯正。实验表明 ,低温等离子体技术宝石改色工艺的效果是明显的。和其它改色方法相比 ,等离子体技术有使改色处理温度大大降低 ,时间缩短 ,效果显著 ,节能、不污染环境等优点 ,表明该方法是一个值得尝试的改善处理方法。该方法的具体原理仍有待进一步探讨。 Plasma technique was used to enhance the colour of sapphires of Shangdong to whi ch the other methods were not effective. After sapphire specimen were treated at 800 ℃ for 4 hours,the highest and the second highest peaks of the sapphires specimens in transmitted spectra shifted to violet wave part (shorter wave part),and their peak values were 1.4~3.4 times of the original peak values.The spectra showed that the sapphires turned to be more transparent and have purer tone after treatment.The result also showed that plasma method n eed lower temperature and shorter time, and does not pollute the environment as compared with other color enhancement methods. But the mechanism of the method i s not clearly known in detailed and need more research.