机构地区: 广州体育学院
出 处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2002年第1期22-26,共5页
摘 要: 为全面探索影响广东地区体育社会团体实体化的因素 ,以及应首重抓好的综合主因 ,本文用有关研究方法 ,探明了体育社团组织因素的认同程度及重要性选择取向 ,通过主成分分析法 ,选取了 6个综合主因 ,构造了以建设实体化为实质的广东体育社团的因子结构体系 ,提出了实施实体化的 5项发展对策建议。 The identification degree of civic sports organization and the repeated choice are ascertained in the present paper with certain research methods in order to explore comprehensively influential factors for substantiation of mass sports bodies in Guangdong Province,and the chief factors to be emphasized.By means of principal factor analysis,6 principal synthetic factors are selected,a factor structure system is constructed synthetic factors are selected,a factor structure system is constructed for mass sports organizations in Guangdong with the objective to establish substantiation,and 5 developing countermeasures are suggested for implementing substantiation.
关 键 词: 广东地区 体育社会团体 组织因素 主成分分析 组织发展 综合主因 因子结构体系 发展对策
领 域: [文化科学]