机构地区: 华南师范大学生命科学学院
出 处: 《华南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第2期107-112,共6页
摘 要: 研究了广州市天河公园、二沙岛住宅区、广州大道和珠江北岸等 4个代表区域共 110种园林木本植物的开花、结果、落叶、长叶等物候情况 .调查每半月 1次 ,持续观察 13个月 .调查的植物中 ,花较显著的植物有 35种 ,占全部种的 32 %,以观花为主的植物 (花色鲜艳 ,花形较大 ,有较强视觉效果 ,花期较长 ) 19种 ,花颜色主要是红、白、黄 3种 ,百分比分别是 5 2 %、14%和 19%.果较显著的植物 17种 ,占总种数的 15 %.主要观叶的植物 6种 ,全为灌木 .开花和结果终年不断 ,从 4月开始至 12月 ,开花种数较多 ,最多是 10月份 .结果较多的是 5月至次年 1月 ,最多是 8月 .大部分植物的花期较长 ,花期长达半年以上的植物占全部种类的 2 1%.果实的类型较多样 ,以核果、蒴果、浆果和荚果较多 ,以含水量较高的肉质果实 (或种子 )较多 .成熟果实的颜色有黑、黄、红、棕等 ,以黑色和黄色果实较多 . The phenology of 110 urban landscape woody plants in Guangzhou have been observed half-monthly for 13 months. Four representative places: Tianhe Park, Ershadao residential district, Guangzhou Dadao (highway), and the North bank of Pearl River were selected as the investigated areas. About 32% of the plants investigated had fancy value mainly in flower and only 6 species (all of them were shrubs) mainly in leaf, and about 15% of the species had obviously fancy fruits. Flowering and fruiting took place all the year round at community level, with slightly more species flowering from April to December, and fruiting from May to January of the next year. Flowering at population level mostly lasted more than one month, 21% could last more than 6 months. Diverse types of fruits could be found in the plants, with drupe, capsule, berry and legume having higher percentages. Mature fruits were found in black, yellow, red and brown etc., with black and yellow fruits prevailing.