机构地区: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所
出 处: 《工程地质学报》 2003年第1期15-24,共10页
摘 要: 茅坪滑坡位于清江隔河岩水库左岸 ,下距隔河岩坝址 6 6Km ,是隔河岩水库中最大的一个基岩古滑坡 ,体积约 2 35 0×10 4 m3。自 1993年 4月 10日水库下闸蓄水以来 ,该滑坡发生了持续的缓慢变形 ,至目前为止 ,最大位移达 2 10 0mm ,且仍在变形过程中。本文在调查该滑坡的结构特征及其成因机制的基础上 ,通过分析该滑坡 10余年的监测资料 ,研究了其在水库蓄水后的变形特征及其机理 。 Maoping landslide, the largest ancient landslide in Geheyan reservoir area, with a volume of 23.5 million m 3 , is located on the left bank of Qingjang River at 66 km upstream of Geheyan dam. Since the reservoir impounding started in April 1993, the slide was reactivated and slowly deformed. A village with 290 inhabitants had to be relocated. Since then the landslide has been in persistent deformation and upto now a maximum displacement of 2100 mm was recorded. On the basis of investigation of the slide′s constituent structure and formation mechanism, the paper deals with an in-depth study of the deformation characteristics and induced mechanism of the ladnslide through comprehensive analysis of the observation data in 10 or more years and a prediction is made on its development tendency.