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Determination of Diethylstilbestrol (DES) in Meat by High-speed Capillary Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection

作  者: ; ; (杨冰仪);

机构地区: 中山大学化学与化学工程学院

出  处: 《分析测试学报》 2003年第3期15-18,共4页

摘  要: 采用高速毛细管电泳安培法对人工合成雌激素———己烯雌酚 (DES)的测定进行了研究 ;通过优化选择检测电位、毛细管内径和长度、分离电压、缓冲溶液等实验参数 ,DES在60s内可以得到较好的分离 ,检出限为1.0×10 -8mol/L ,DEC浓度在1.48×10 -4~3.69×10 -5mol/L ,1.25×10 -6~1.85×10 -7mol/L与峰面积分段呈良好的线性关系 ;迁移时间和峰面积的相对标准偏差分别为0.65 %、2.2 % ;将该法用于市售肉类中DES的检测 。 A method based on high _ speed capillary electrophoresis with amperometric detection was developed for the determination of a synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol(DES). The effects of some important factors, such as detection potential, running buffer, separation voltage, and length and inner diameter of capillary on the separation were investigated to acquire optimum conditions. The method has a high sensitivity and good repeatability. Under the optimum conditions: detection potential of -0.1 V(vs SCE), separation voltage of 18 kV, capillary of 25 μm in inner diameter and 20 cm in length, running buffer of 5 mmol/L NaOH, DES was satisfactorily eluted in 60 s with a detection limit of 1.0×10-8 mol/L. In the ranges of 1.48×10-4~3.69×10-5 mol/L and 1.25×10-6~1.85×10-7 mol/L, DES concentration was linear with the peak area, separately. The relative standard deviations(n=8) of peak area and migration time were 0.65% and 2.2%, respectively. The method was successfully applied to determine DES of meat from markets with satisfactory results.

关 键 词: 高速毛细管电泳 安培法 测定 己烯雌酚 肉类 饲料添加剂 肉制品 分析

领  域: [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程] [轻工技术与工程]


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