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Using Snow-urine Analysis to Assess Roe Deer Nutritional Status in Different Types of Habitats during Winter

作  者: ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 东北林业大学野生动物资源学院

出  处: 《兽类学报》 2003年第2期109-114,共6页

摘  要: 雪尿分析技术是北方冬季有蹄类种群营养状况评价的可靠性指数。本文通过对兴隆镇小东林场和三江自然保护区 1999及 2 0 0 0年冬季狍 5 0个雪尿、尿液样本采集及分析 ,用以评价在不同类型的栖息地中狍冬季的营养状况 ,结果表明 :雪尿分析可以评价狍冬季的营养状况及其变化 ;雪尿中较低的尿素氮与肌酸酐的比率表明两地区狍基本上处于营养不良早期阶段 ,反映了食物资源可利用性低、食物营养质量低造成外源蛋白质和能量摄入不足 ,而使狍大量消耗体脂肪 ,并通过对尿液化学成分的重吸收利用而保持其在尿液中排出量最低 ,使机体内源蛋白质分解代谢处于较低状态 ;三江 1999年冬季狍营养状况相对较差 ,而 2 0 0 0年情况较好 ; Snow-urine analysis has provided a new reliable avenue to assess ungulates nutritional status on northern ranges during winter. In this paper, snow-urine analysis was used to analyze 50 samples of roe deer (Caproelus caproelus)urines and their urines deposited in snow to assess their nutritional status and its changes in Xiaodong Forest Region and Sanjiang Nature Reserve during winter seasons of 1999 and 2000. Results indicated that urines deposited in snow can be analyzed biochemically for urea nitrogen (UN), creatinine(CT), sodium(Na), potassium(K), calcium(Ca)and phosphorus(P)to reflect roe deer's nutritional status. Low ratio of urea nitrogen to creatinine(UN∶CT < 4), potassium to creatinine(K∶CT)and sodium to creatinine(Na∶CT)indicated that roe deers in these two areas remained in an early phase of undernutrition, while roe deers in Sanjiang Nature Reserve during winter season of 2000 were in relatively good condition, which reflected the immediate dynamics relationships between dietary intake, fat depletion and protein catabolism. Under low crude protein and energy content of natural vegetation, and low digestibility of browse during early undernutrition phase, roe deer relied primarily on diet and lipid reserves to partially meet energy requirements, while endogenous protein nitrogen was spared and catabolism was minimal. To make compensation for changes in dietary nitrogen content to some extent, most of the urea nitrogen, K, Na, etc. were reabsorbed in the renal tubules and little was lost in the urine. Subadult and juvenile roe deers in these two areas almost remained in a prolonged-reversible phase of undernutrition characterized by UN∶CT>4 the same as roe deers in Sanjiang Nature Reserve during winter season of 1999.

关 键 词: 栖息地 冬季 雪尿分析 营养状况 种群 偶蹄目 鹿科

领  域: [生物学] [生物学]


作者 郭振新
作者 邹蔚苓
作者 陈有华


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 深圳职业技术学院应用外国语学院
机构 罗定职业技术学院
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院


作者 丁培强
作者 徐松林
作者 徐枫
作者 陈光慧
作者 孙有发