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Effects of Temperature, Body Weight and Feeding on Metabolismon of Procambrus clarkii

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 湖北农学院动物科学学院动物科学系

出  处: 《华中农业大学学报》 2003年第2期152-156,共5页

摘  要: 于 2 0 0 1年 11月至 2 0 0 2年 3月对均重为 1.78g、5 .6 3g和 9.5 5 g 3种规格的克氏原螯虾在 15℃、2 0℃、2 5℃和 30℃ 4种温度条件下的代谢进行了测定 ,以探讨体重、温度变化及摄食状态对代谢的影响。结果表明 ,耗氧率 (Ro)和NH4+ N排泄率 (RN)与温度正相关 ,与体重呈负相关关系 ,其关系式可分别表示为 :Ro=0 .1382e0 .0 43 5t和Ro=0 .5 70 6W-0 .2 0 13 ;RN=0 .812 7e0 .0 2 2 3t和RN=0 .92 4 3W-0 .12 42 。不同体重试验虾在不同温度条件下的代谢率差异显著 ,代谢率随体重的增大而减少 ,随温度升高而增大。同时 ,体重和温度对能源物质的供能比有较大影响 ,随着体重的增加 ,蛋白质和碳水化合物提供的能量比增大 ,而脂肪提供的能量比逐步减小 ;随着温度的提高 ,蛋白质提供的能量逐步减少。克氏原螯虾 (5 .0 6± 0 .87) g摄食水蚯蚓和配合饲料后 ,在饱食状态下耗氧率比饥饿状态下分别提高了 4 7.6 9%和 76 .81% ,NH4+ N排泄率分别增加了 14 2 .37%和 2 0 4 .33% ,表明摄食时蛋白质代谢增加显著。 The effect of temperature, body weight and feeding on the metabolism of H weighed from 1.27 to 12.13 g was conducted during Nov., 2001 to Mar., 2002, with the temperature ranged from 15 to 30 ℃, and some shrimps fed by commercial pellet or Tubificidae, and the other fasting. The results showed that oxygen consumption rate ( R o, mg/(g·h)) and ammonia N excretion rate ( R N, μg/(g·h)) were positively correlated with temperature ( t , ℃) and negatively with body weight ( W , g). The relationship between oxygen consumption rate, ammonia N excretion rate and temperature could be expressed as R o=0.1382e 0.0435 t and R N=0.8127e 0.0223 t . The relationship between the two rates and body weight could be expressed as R o=0.5706 W -0.2013 and R N=0.9243 W -0.1242 . The fasting metabolism decreased with increasing body weight and increased with increasing temperature. The ratio of metabolic substrate protein, carbohydrate and lipid were 2.6∶21.4∶76.0, 2.8∶29.8∶67.4 and 2.9∶ 41.2∶55.9 of three group of shrimps with different body weight, and were 3.4∶36.2∶60.4, 2.8∶ 42.5∶ 54.7, 2.5∶11.8∶85.7 and 2.3∶32.7∶65.0 at different water temperature of 15, 20, 25 and 30 ℃, and the proportion of protein was decreased with the temperature increasing. The metabolism of the shrimp fed with Tubificidae was higher than commercial pellet. The increased oxygen consumption rates were 47.69%and 76.81%, the ammonia N excretion rates were 142.37%and 204.33% for feeding commercial pellet and Tubificidae respectively, higher than those in fasting shrimp.

关 键 词: 克氏原螯虾 温度 体重 摄食状态 代谢 耗氧率 铵根离子 氮排泄率

领  域: [生物学] [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 宋永旺
作者 杨芹
作者 洪友兼
作者 董娟
作者 宋垚臻


机构 广州体育学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院心理应用研究中心
机构 韩山师范学院
机构 韶关学院体育学院


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作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 吴肖林