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A New Method of Producing Ultrafine WC-Co Composite Powder from Scrap Sintered Carbide

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 自贡硬质合金有限责任公司

出  处: 《中国钨业》 2003年第2期35-37,共3页

摘  要: 随着钨矿开采和钨用量的增加,钨的储量已越来越少,世界钨业将面临严峻的原钨短缺。面对这种形势,专家们研究了许多的对策,回收再生和有效利用废残硬质合金便是其中之一,它是弥补原钨资源不足的重要措施。本文研究了一种利用废残粗晶硬质合金生产超细WC-Co复合粉末的新方法,用这种粉末生产的超细硬质合金强度及硬度高,综合性能好。 Following drastic development of tungsten production, tungsten resources/reserves have been on the decrease. World's tungsten industry as a whole will have been confronted with dreadful shortage of primary tungsten. In this case, some experts have drawn up countermeasures and remedy including the recovery and regeneration of scrap cemented carbide, and it has been proved that it is a feasible and effective way that leads to not only reduce production cost but also make up shortage of tungsten resource.There are many methods to be used for producing ultrafine powders. They are usually classified into three great divisions including physical, chemical and synthetic methods. But it has not been reported to produce ultrafine WC-Co composite powder from scrap sintered carbide. This paper investigates a new method of producing ultrafine WC-Co composite powder from scrap sintered carbide. The ultrafine cemented carbide produced by this powder is of high hardness and transverse rupture strength.

关 键 词: 废残硬质合金 粗晶粒 超细晶粒 复合粉末 超细粉末 生产方法

领  域: [冶金工程] [冶金工程] [冶金工程] [冶金工程]


作者 徐德峰
作者 夏杏洲
作者 叶日英
作者 米旭明


机构 广东海洋大学
机构 深圳大学


作者 张光宇
作者 林浩亮