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作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 武汉工业学院食品科学与工程学院

出  处: 《动物分类学报》 2003年第1期95-98,共4页

摘  要: 记述了直翅目蟋蟀科 1新属及两新种 ,即毛蟋属CapillogryllusXie,gen .nov.,斧须毛蟋CapillogryllusdolabripalpisXieetZheng,sp .nov .和细须毛蟋CapillogryllusexilipalpisXieetLiang,sp .nov .,模式标本 :斧须毛蟋保存于武汉工业学院 ,细须毛蟋保存于中山大学昆虫研究所。 This paper deals with a new genus, and two new species of the Gryllidae from Ch ina. Type specimens of Capillogryllus dolabripalpis are deposited in the Wu han Polyt echnic University, Wuhan, China and the type specimens of C.exilipalp is are d eposited in the Institute of Entomology, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, China.Capillogryllus Xie, gen.nov. Type species: Capillogryllus dolabripalpis Xie et Zheng, sp.nov. Size small, body depressed, very pubescent, both sides of body with dense cilife rous and bristles. Dorsal surface of body black and ventral surface yellow-brow n or black-brown. Vertex black shinning, strong inclinate; eyes large, yellow -brown or grey-brown, adorned with black spots; ocelli arranged in a triangle; antennae brown, very pubescent;frons and genal area below eyes black-red; cl ypeus and labrum red-brown, adorned with black spots; maxillary and labial palp i uniform in colour, yellow-brown or black-brown. Prothorax posteriorly co nstr icted; median longitudinal sulcus of pronotum obvious, dorsocentral region conc avo-conve x, smooth, shinning; anterior and posterior margin of prothorax with a row of b ristles; inferior margin of pleurite slightly ascending posteriorly. Mesothorax shorter and narrower than metathorax. ♂, apterous; ♀,only a p air of anterior m icropterous wings, not extending beyond the posterior margin of mesonotum. Legs pubescent, sparsely bristled; anterior tibiae absent from tympana; posterior tib ia arme d with 4 dorsal spurs on each margin and 6 apical spurs; posterior basitarsus ar med with 6 external and 3-5 internal denticles. ♂,genitalia: epiphallus roughly H-shaped in dorsal aspect, the short dorsal bridge formed by the emargination of the anterior and posterior margins, being roughly one the fifth as long a s the depth of the anterior emargination and one the third the depth of the post erior emargination; median portion of the posterior margin entire, with no media n lobes; dorso-posterior apices of the posterior processes of the epiphallus

关 键 词: 直翅目 蟋蟀科 毛蟋属 细须毛蟋 斧须毛蟋 新属 新种 中国

领  域: [生物学]




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