机构地区: 浙江理工大学法政学院
出 处: 《竞争政策研究》 2015年第3期58-68,共11页
摘 要: 宽恕制度有助于提高执法机关发现、惩罚违法行为的概率。从主要国家的实施情况来看,宽恕制度的成功实施不仅需要严厉的惩罚措施、强有力的查处力度,而且需要实施过程的明确性和透明性。本文通过比较海峡两岸宽恕制度的适用对象、适用主体、资格要件、减免标准、申请程序和保密事项等方面的内容,从统一执法和加强立法两方面对完善大陆卡特尔宽恕制度提出了若干建议。 Leniency policy can improve the probability of investigation and punishment of Anti-monopoly authority. The practice of main countries shows that the success of the leniency policy not only needs severe punishment measures and strong investigation, but also definite and transparent process. Based on comparing applicable object, applicable subject, qualifi cation requirements, standards of reduction and exemption, application procedure and security system of leniency policy between both Sides of the Taiwan Straits, we bring forward some suggestions and policies in order to perfect the leniency policy in Mainland region.