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Distribution of carbon storage in a lower subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest in Dinghushan Nature Reserve

作  者: ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中国科学院华南植物研究所

出  处: 《生态学报》 2003年第1期90-97,共8页

摘  要: 在对 1 hm2永久样地调查的基础上结合优势树种 C含量的实测值 ,对鼎湖山南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林的 C贮量及其空间和种群分布特点进行了分析 ,结果表明 :( 1 )鼎湖山季风常绿阔叶林现存 C贮量为89.75 t·hm- 2 ,其中 ,干、枝、叶、根分别占总量的 5 3.0 9%、2 5 .36%、2 .64%和 1 8.31 % ;( 2 )数量上小径级个体占有绝对优势 ,1 hm2 样地内 DBH<2 0 cm的个体占总数的 95 % ,个体数量随径级的增加而迅速减少 ,而 C贮量的径级分布则大致呈“M”形 ;( 3)根据树木高度分为 4个层次 ,即 层 ( h≥ 2 0 m) , 层 ( 1 0 荷木 Schima superba>黄果厚壳桂 Cryptocarya concinna>厚壳桂 Cryptocarya chinensis>肖蒲桃 Acmena acuminatissima>黄杞 Engelhardtia roxburghiana>白颜树 Gironniera subaequalis>臀形果 Pygeum topengii>橄榄 Canarium album>窄叶半枫荷 Pterospermum It is of theoretical importance to understand forest standing carbon storage. Although there have been many reports on it for major forest types, most of them refer to forests in tropics, medi- and high-latitude areas in the Northern Hemisphere, few focus on forests near the tropic of cancer. The regional vegetation in Dinghushan Nature Reserve (DNR) is monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest (MEBF). Although located in the tropic of cancer, the area is covered with different forest types, including integrated forest succession series. Besides, the background data in this area have been well documented since 1956, which benefits this study. Based on biomass data in 1-hectare permanent plot and carbon contents of dominant species in each height class for MEBF, the paper analyzed standing carbon storage and its distribution according to vertical layers, DBH (diameter at breast height) classes and population. The results are showed as following: (1) Standing carbon storage in the lower subtropical monsoon evergreen broad-leaved forest amounts to 89.75t·hm -2, with the percentage of 53.09% , 25.36%, 2.64% and 18.31% in bloes, branches, leaves and roots, respectively; (2) Individuals with DBH less than 20 cm dominate the community, account for 95% of the total. The number of individuals decreases remarkably with DBH class increasing. Distribution of standing carbon storage with DBH class enhancement demonstrates an “M” shape tendency. When DBH increases from 1 cm to 100 cm, there are two maximum values of standing carbon storage occurring in the DBH classes of 20~30 cm and 70~90 cm, being 12.50 t·hm -2 and 14.14 t·hm -2, respectively, and there is a minimum value of standing carbon storage showing in the DBH class of 50~60 cm,being 1.69 t·hm -2; (3) Vertical distribution of standing carbon storage increases simply with layer height. Of the whole standing carbon storage, 53.97% is allocated in layerⅠ(h≥20m), 31.37% in layerⅡ(10m≤h<20m), 11.26% in layer Ⅲ (5m≤h<10m), and 3.40% in layer Ⅳ(h<5m).

关 键 词: 鼎湖山 南亚热带季风常绿阔叶林 贮量 垂直分布 径级分布

领  域: [农业科学] [生物学]




作者 丁培强
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