作 者: ;
机构地区: 广东外语外贸大学社会科学系
出 处: 《株洲工学院学报》 2003年第1期50-52,共3页
摘 要: 人权派的人权思想主要针对国民党的专制统治,有一定的进步性,但他们从人的自然属性出发,从抽象的共同的人性出发去把握人权,妨碍了他们对人权的某些正确看法作进一步的发挥。人权派主张的人权本质上是资产阶级的人权。 The human right ideas proposed by the human rights schools were against the dictatorial rule of Guomingdang. In a sense, they were progressive. Nevertheless, their discussions, starting from the natural needs of human beings, were limited to the understanding of human rights as an abstract totality of human nature. Such an understanding of human rights hindered a further exploration of this issue in the right track. The human rights advocated by the human rights school were in fact bourgeois human rights.