机构地区: 郑州大学化学与分子工程学院
出 处: 《高分子材料科学与工程》 1992年第5期41-45,共5页
摘 要: 用DSC研究了IPP与25种成核剂样品的非等温结晶过程,发现降温速率β和成核剂种类对结晶温度T_c和结晶温度范围ΔT_c均有影响。有7种成核剂在不同β时均能使T_c明显升高和使ΔT_c增大,另有3种成核剂在β增大时效果明显,其余的对IPP的非等温结晶过程影响不大。个别成核剂使结晶曲线出现双峰,同时使结晶温度显著提高。 The nonisothermal crystallization of TPP samples added 25 nucleating agents has been studied by DSC. It has been found that the crystallizing peak temperature,Tc,and the peak temperature range, △T c, are affected by the nucleating agents and the cooling rates. 7 kind of the agents can raise Tc and increase △Tc in different cooling rates. The nucleating effects of other 3 agents are notable in quicker cooling rates. Sodium benzoate and terephthalic acid can give double crystallizing peaks for IPP.