机构地区: 广西气象局
出 处: 《广西气象》 2002年第4期9-12,共4页
摘 要: 对1971~2001年发生在广西的特大暴雨和特大暴雨天气过程的时空分布特征及其环流形势特点作一较系统的分析,得出广西特大暴雨的月际分布具有明显的"单峰型";多发区域在沿海地区;造成广西特大暴雨的影响系统主要是热带气旋或热带低压系统。 A systematic analysis of time and space distribution and the circulating situation of the excessive rainstorm and the excessive rainstorm weather process happened in Guangxi during 1971 ~ 2001 found that the monthly distribution of excessive rainstorm is clearly featured with 'singlepeak type'; most of this weather happened in the coastal area; and that the main influencing system contributing to the excessive rainstorm in Guangxi is tropical cyclone or tropical low pressure system.
关 键 词: 广西 特大暴雨 时空分布 热带气旋 低空急流 月际分布 天气过程分析
领 域: [天文地球]