机构地区: 中山大学环境科学与工程学院环境气象研究所
出 处: 《海洋与湖沼》 2003年第1期67-73,共7页
摘 要: 在海洋监测的基础上 ,利用数学模型探讨了珠江口COD的浓度分布规律。研究表明 ,珠江口的有机物主要来自八大口门的淡水径流 ,人类活动、径流、潮流和气候是影响COD浓度分布的主要因素。有机物进入珠江口后 ,首先在口门和陆源排放口附近形成高浓度区 ,然后由北向南偏西迁移扩散 ,西四口门对伶仃洋COD增量的影响很小。夏季珠江口层型水体稳定存在 。 Based on field survey and mathematical modeling experiments, the distribution of COD and its controlling factors in the Zhujiang River Estuary was discussed. The results showed that the rivers were the main sources of COD in the estuarine waters. Human activities, freshwater flow, tide and climate were the main influencing factors. High COD concentration areas were first formed in the estuary mouths (know locally as “gates') and sewage discharging areas. Then COD was transported southwest to the South China Sea. Little COD coming from the west four gates could be transported to the Lingding Estuary. The COD concentrations in the surface were higher than in the bottom and appeared to have a stratification pattern due to the water stratification in the estuary during the summer.
关 键 词: 夏季 珠江口 有机污染物 人类活动 潮流 径流 气候 海洋监测
领 域: [环境科学与工程]