机构地区: 广东工业大学机电工程学院
出 处: 《工业工程》 2003年第1期81-84,共4页
摘 要: 本文对传统的生产实习方法存在的问题进行了讨论,并考虑工业工程的特点提出了新的生产实习方法,新的方法使学生通过生产实习提高了解决实际问题的能力,获得了实际操作经验,掌握了必要的专业知识,取得了良好的实习效果。 Problems in traditionl production practice are discussed,and a new way of production practice is presented considering the specialty of Industry Engineering(IE).Through this new kind of production practice students are able to increase abilities to solve fact problems,obtain experiences of practice operation,and predominate essential specialty knowledge,which leads to good practice results.