机构地区: 广东工业大学
出 处: 《塑料》 2002年第6期38-40,共3页
摘 要: CAD技术的引入虽然简化了图形的绘制工作,但对注塑模设计中普遍存在的堆理、判断等非数值问题却无能为力。文中利用人工智能技术,在VisualC++6.0环境下实现了一个注塑模方案设计专家系统,用来帮助设计者在模具设计前期完成合理的方案设计。系统采用了实例匹配和归纳推理两种不同手段,系统中的设计知识分别采用了数据库记录、链表以及集成了框架、规则和方法的对象等多种形式来表示,各类知识的学习和修改采用了包括神经网络在内的多种机制。 Although the introduction of CAD technology has to a certain extent eased the work of drawing practice,it can not solve non-numerical problems such as reasoning and judging,which are very common in injection molding designing.By using the AI(artificial intelligence)technology,we succeeded in developing a scheme design expert system of injection moldings,which was used to help the user complete the scheme design during the early period of injection molding design.Instance-based reasoning and inductive-knowledge-based reasoning were used in executing the design task.Knowledge bases were constructed in forms of databases,simple linked lists and objects integrated by frames,rules and methods.And different ways of learning and modifying the knowledge bases were also implemented.
关 键 词: 注塑模 方案设计 专家系统 设计 塑料加工 知识表达
领 域: [化学工程]