机构地区: 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所有机地球化学国家重点实验室
出 处: 《泥沙研究》 2002年第6期15-18,共4页
摘 要: 根据西、北江干流高要、石角及西北江三角洲网河区顶点马口、三水四个水文站的流量和含沙量资料 ,应用非线性分形原理的R S方法 ,计算西北江干流及西北江网河区顶点四个水文站的流量、含沙量的赫斯特数H和分形维数D ;探讨西、北江干流来水来沙的分形特征及西北江三角洲的分水分沙规律。结果表明 ,流量的分维数略大于含沙量的分维数 ,三水站流量及含沙量的分维数与其上游的石角站流量、含沙量的分维数相差较大 。 Based on the discharge and sediment concentration of Gaoyao station at Xijiang main stream,Shijiao station at Beijiang main stream,Makou station and Sanshui station of the Pearl River Delta,the Hurst Dimension and fractal dimension of discharge and sediment discharge were calculated by rescaled range analysis(R/S).The study shows that fractal dimensions of discharge are greater than those of sediment discharge;the fractal dimensions of discharge and sediment concentration at Sanshui Station are greater than those at Shijiao station.The results also indicate that the discharge and sediment at Sanshui station are different from those at Shijiao station.
领 域: [水利工程]