作 者: ;
机构地区: 湖南大学外国语与国际教育学院
出 处: 《怀化学院学报》 2007年第5X期177-178,共2页
摘 要: 以隐喻的认知定义,即隐喻属于普通语言[非比喻性语言]为基础,综合考察了学龄前儿童隐喻能力发展的特点及研究走向。着重介绍国内外学者对影响儿童隐喻能力即年龄、语境、试验任务等因素进行综合分析。 Based on the definition of metaphor from cognitive point of view,that metaphor is a common,non-rhetoric language,the article comprehensively investigated the characteristic of pre-school children's metaphorical ability and its research trend,with an emphasis on introducing some experts' work home and abroad,concerning factors affecting children's metaphorical ability:age,context and experimental task etc.
关 键 词: 隐喻 认知 研究走向 影响儿童隐喻能力因素
领 域: [语言文字]