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Mechanism Analysis of Desorption Enhancement by Utrasonic Field

作  者: ; ; ;

机构地区: 广西师范大学

出  处: 《高校化学工程学报》 2002年第6期614-620,共7页

摘  要: 在定域吸附的假定条件下,从能量的角度出发,由统计热力学理论得到了有外场作用的吸附平衡关系式。由此进一步讨论了超声波场强化解吸的机理,得到了在超声波场中吸附相分子比基准态分子获得更多的能量是导致吸附平衡等温线降低, 即强化解吸的主要原因。由于超声波的“聚能效应”使得吸附相分子比基准态分子能够获得更多的能量,这正是超声波对固液吸附系统能够强化解吸的本质所在,其理论研究与实验结果一致。研究结果还表明, 吸附相分子在超声波场中只要获得可与kT比拟或更高的能量,解吸效果就会明显,这体现了强化解吸中超声波场与温度场之间的协同作用。 关键词:能量公设;非热效应; Assuming fixed region adsorption, an adsorption equilibrium equation was deduced based on the energy and statistical thermodynainics when outer field was applied. The mechanism of desorption enhancement by ultrasonic was discussed. The results indicated that the reduction in adsorption isotherm or the enhancement of desorption under ultrasonic field is caused by the Mohaupt effect of ultrasonic wave which makes the adsorption phase molecules has higher energy-capture capability and causes it have higher energy than the molecules in reference state. This is the intrinsic reason for the enhancement of desorption. The results based on theoretic prediction are in accord with that of experimental data. The theoretic results also indicate that the effect of ultrasonic field on the desorption will be obvious as long as the molecules in the adsorption phase acquire energy as much as kT or higher; and there is a synergism action of ultrasonic field and the temperature field in the process of enhanced desorption.

关 键 词: 超声波场强化解吸 机理 能量公设 非热效应 吸附平衡 场协同 基准态 聚能效应 吸附 分离

领  域: [化学工程] [理学] [理学]




作者 刘广平
作者 彭刚
作者 杨科
作者 陈艺云
作者 崔淑慧