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Community structure of phytoplankton and its relationship with aquatic environment factors in Jiantan Reservoir

作  者: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

机构地区: 中华人民共和国环境保护部

出  处: 《环境科学学报》 2014年第4期950-958,共9页

摘  要: 2010年6—12月对剑潭水库浮游植物群落及11项水环境因子进行了采样调查,并对调查区域内的54种浮游植物和11个环境因子进行了典范对应分析(CCA).结果表明,调查期间共检出浮游植物7门78属103种,浮游植物群落组成以绿藻为主,硅藻其次;藻类细胞密度季节差异大,7月最高,为8.04×106cells·L-1,12月最低,为2.23×105cells·L-1,浮游植物群落变化规律为夏季的蓝藻和绿藻向秋季的隐藻、蓝藻、绿藻,以及冬季的绿藻、硅藻转变,剑潭水库富营养化程度较蓄水初期有加剧趋势,且富营养程度夏季比冬季严重.CCA分析结果表明,水温和TP是影响剑潭水库浮游植物群落分布最主要的环境因子. Phytoplankton communities and 11 aquatic environmental factors were investigated from June to December in 2010,and the relationship between 54 phytoplankton species and 11 environmental factors was analyzed by canonical correspondence analysis( CCA). The results showed that a total of 103 species of phytoplankton were identified,which belonged to 7 phyla and 78 genera. Phytoplankton species in Jiantan Reservoir were mainly composed of Chlorophyta and Bacillariophyta. Phytoplankton abundance varied seasonally with the maximum value( 8. 04 ×106cells·L-1) in July and minimum( 2. 23×105cells·L-1) in December. Cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta dominated in summer,Cyanobacteria and Chlorophyta dominated in autumn,while Chlorophyta and Diatoms dominated in winter. The present state of eutrophication was more serious than that in the early stage of the reservoir,and more serious in summer than in winter. According to CCA,temperature and TP were the most important environmental factors affecting the distribution of phytoplankton in Jiantan Reservoir.

关 键 词: 剑潭水库 浮游植物 水环境因子 典范对应分析

领  域: [环境科学与工程]




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