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抓科技开发 促产业发展 ——以龙牙百合主要病害综合防治技术示范推广为例
On Scio-tech Development Promoting Industrial Development ——Model Extension of Comprehensive Preventive Disease Control on Longya Lily

作  者: ; ; (等);

机构地区: 宜春学院农学院

出  处: 《农业与技术》 2002年第6期95-97,共3页

摘  要: 百合是江西的特色作物,万载县有种植百合的传统,但由于百合病害的困扰,一直没有得到很好的发展。通过我们对百合主要病害的研究和综防技术的示范推广,深刻地体会到科技开发在产业发展中具有先导作用、保障作用、增智作用和纽带作用。通过科技开发实现了扶持一个产业、振兴一方经济、造就一批人才、形成一种机制的目的。特别是以农户为主体,产业为中心,科技为依托,农村基层组织为保障的农业推广新机制对农业推广、产业发展具有一定的借鉴作用。 Lily is feature plant in Jiangxi province. But it has not been developed well because of Lily diseases. We have realized that the development of scio-tech plays a pioneering, ensuring, intelligence-increasing and bridge role in industrial development after our researches on lily diseases and model extension of their comprehensive preventive techniques. Through scio-tech development, we have reached an aim of supporting an industry, rejuvenation an area of economy, bringing up a group of talents, and forming a mechanism. Especially, a new agricultural extension mechanism, which is subjected to farmer households, centered on industry, based on scio-tech, and ensured by rural grass-roots unit, plays a certain reference parts in agricultural extension and industrial development.

关 键 词: 龙牙百合 病害 综合防治 技术示范推广

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [经济管理]


作者 何桂玲


机构 嘉应学院生命科学学院


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