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Study on Refinery Sewage Treatment Plant in H-O-R Process

作  者: ; ; ; ; (王培风);

机构地区: 茂名学院化工与环境工程学院

出  处: 《茂名学院学报》 2002年第3期31-34,共4页

摘  要: 模拟茂石化炼油废水生化处理系统 ,在二沉池中加入软性纤维添料 ,使之具有反硝化脱氮的功能后 ,用H -O -R工艺 (即水解酸化 -好氧 -脱氮 )的方式运行 ,不但使泥水分离效果更好 ,而且改进了传统的脱氮工艺 ,弥补由于原工艺中构筑物的原因造成废水无法回流脱氮的缺陷。中试运行结果表明 ,COD、Oil、Ar -OH、NH3 -N、S2 -的降解率分别达到 90 % ,97% ,99% ,84 % ,99% ;当供给适量C源、DO <1mg/L、温度在 2 5~ 4 0℃时 ,NOx -N降解率可达 75~ 90 % ,各污染指标均达到国家和DB4 4 / 5 6 - Simulating the refinery sewage treatment system, the improved system can not only separate the sludge from the stream ,but also improve the denitrification by secondary sedimentation and adding soften package fiber in secondary sedimentation of the pilot sewage treatment plant in H-O-R process( hydrolysis-acidifying - aerobic- denitrogen ). The experiment results showe that the degradation rate of COD, Oil,Ar-OH,NH 3-N,S 2- can reach 90.6%,98.7%,99.3%,86.5%,100%. Providing the sewage with sufficient carbon resource 75~90% of NO x-N can be broken down at the time of DO<1mg/L and the temperature between 22~35℃. Finally the pollution index of effluent (such as COD?Oil etc.) can meet the national local water standard DB 44/56-92.

关 键 词: 炼油废水处理 试运行 工艺 二沉池脱氮

领  域: [环境科学与工程]


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机构 汕头大学


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