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Resources and Distribution of Medical Plants in National Nature Reserve of the Dawei Mountains

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 北京林业大学资源与环境学院

出  处: 《西南林学院学报》 2002年第3期1-6,共6页

摘  要: 大围山国家级自然保护区药用植物资源种类隶属 2 0 5科、792属 ,计 1 60 7种 .按其药用功效可分为清热解表、祛风除湿等 1 1类 .其中 ,清热解表类拥有种类最多 ,占全部药用植物种数的 2 7 69% .药用植物水平分布的规律性主要表现为 :具原生性热带植被类型的种类集中分布在东北向坡面 ,而具次生性植被类型的种类则主要分布于西南向坡面 ;垂直分布上 5 7 7%的种类集中在 70 0~ 1 70 0m的海拔高度段 ,而 70 0m以下的种类相对贫乏 . The resources of medical plants in National Nature Reserve in the Dawei Mountains consist of 205 families,792 genera,and 1 607 species.Such medical plants can be classified into more than 11 types according to their medical effects explained by traditional Chinese medical science,such as antipyretic and diaphoretic effects,rheumatic pains relief and dampness removal.The major resources of the medical plants in the Dawei Mountains belong to antipyretic and diaphoretic sort,with a percentage of 27.69%.In consideration of both the horizontal and vertical distribution,horizontal distribution mainly exists on the aspect of slope.The medical plants of tropical protophyte vegetation type are mainly distributed on the northeastward slopes of the Mountains while those of secondary vegetation type are mainly distributed on the southwestward slopes.With reference to the vertical distribution,57.7% of medical plants are mainly distributed in the areas at an altitude from 700 m to 1 700 m,and the medical plants are relatively scarce in the areas below and altitude of 700 m.On the basis of such investigation,the authors herein discussed and proposed certain measures for protecting and utilizing the medical plants according to their characteristics.

关 键 词: 大围山自然保护区 药用植物资源 分布 云南

领  域: [生物学]




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