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Effects of Flashing Drying on Storage Life-Span and the Activities of Antioxidant Enzymes in Chinese Wampee [Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels] Axes

作  者: ; (宋松泉); (钱春梅); (蒋昌华); (傅家瑞);

机构地区: 怀化学院

出  处: 《植物生理与分子生物学学报》 2002年第6期468-472,共5页

摘  要: 以黄皮种子离体胚轴为材料 ,研究了快速干燥对胚轴贮藏寿命的影响及与抗氧化酶活性的关系。未经脱水的胚轴在 15℃贮藏 12 8d仍具有较高的存活率和活力指数。快速脱水 1.5和 3.0h后胚轴的存活率和活力指数并未因脱水而下降 ,但它们在 15℃贮藏的寿命分别只有 8和 2d。未经脱水胚轴的抗氧化酶(SOD、POD、CAT)活性在贮藏过程中能较好地保持 ,但经快速脱水后其抗氧化酶活性在贮藏过程中则迅速下降 ,脱水时间越长 ,酶活性在贮藏过程中的下降就越快。 Effects of flashing drying on storage life span and the activities of antioxidant enzymes in excised axes from Chinese wampee [ Clausena lansium (Lour.) Skeels] seeds were studied. There was little decrease in survival percentage and vigor index of fresh wampee axes after being stored at 15℃ for 128 d (Figs.1, 2). The survival percentage and vigor index of axes which were dried for 1.5 or 3 h by flash drying did not decrease, but the life spans stored at 15℃ were only 8 or 2 d, respectively (Figs.1, 2). The activities of antioxidant enzymes (SOD, POD, CAT) of fresh wampee axes remained high during storage at 15℃ (Figs.4-6), but those in the flash dried wampee axes could not. The longer the flash dried time, the more rapidly the activities of antioxidant enzymes of wampee axes decreased during storage (Figs.4-6).

关 键 词: 生活力 顽拗性种子 快速干燥 黄皮胚轴 贮藏寿命 抗氧化酶活性 影响

领  域: [生物学] [农业科学] [农业科学]


作者 陈景岗
作者 金剑平


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学生命科学学院
机构 广州体育学院


作者 丁培强
作者 李振义
作者 吴晨
作者 张琳
作者 吴肖林