机构地区: 河北农业大学林学院
出 处: 《林业科学》 2002年第6期36-42,共7页
摘 要: 以白杨双交杂种无性系为材料 ,在水分胁迫条件下 ,对无性系生理和生长差异进行研究的基础上 ,建立了抗旱性筛选的指标体系 ,对无性系进行了抗旱性鉴定 ,并对代表干旱适应能力指标及抗旱生产力指标进行了比较分析 ,筛选出了叶片失水率、渗透调节能力、蒸腾速率、净光合速率、苗高和单叶面积 6项指标 。 double cross hybrid clones of white poplar,whose hybridization combination is (\%Populus tomentosa×Populus bolleana)×(Populus alba×Populus tremula\%),as the experimental materials,the growth and physiological characteristics under water stress were studied,index system on comprehensive judgement of drought resistance ability of the clones were suggested and the drought resistance ability of the clones were judged comprehensively.On this basis,the indices of adaptability to drought and of productivity to drought were analyzed.The plant height,single leaf area,net photosynthesis rate, transpiration,leaf water\|losing rate and the ability of osmotic adjustment were suggested to be used as comprehensive judgment indexes in drought\|resistance clones selection.