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Study on Water-saving Technology and the Equipment

作  者: ; ; (等);

机构地区: 西北农林科技大学机械与电子工程学院

出  处: 《西北农业学报》 2002年第4期98-100,共3页

摘  要: 通过分析传统的蓄水节水方法和我国西北广大农村的经济现状,结合黄土高原土层深厚的特点,简述了中国西北地区水资源的特征及开发利用的方法、现状和干旱地区雨水资源开发利用前景,提出了开源节流并重,开源是根本,贮留降水为重点,配合种树种草,增加植被,实现少耕、免耕的中国机械化旱作模式。介绍了一种少耕蓄水沟贮水保墒法及配套的系列新机具,以实现低成本、大面积、大区域的微观拦水、蓄水,尽可能多的贮留自然降水,增加就地入渗,以补充水资源的有效储量,使多变的自然降水能被土壤和绿色植被控制,进行季节性余缺调剂。 The method of traditional water-saving and the character of sienna altiplano soil in northwest China wal analyzed, and the character of water source, the status, foreground in drought area and the method of exploitation and using was specified. The viewpoint that Looking for source and saving pay equal attention was given. Looking for source is a root, saving is very important and rainwater storing is stress. Working in tree and grass growing, increasing vegetation, the mechanization mode of dryland farming will be come true. Then, a kind of this equipment was introduced.

关 键 词: 少耕蓄水技术 机具 免耕 集雨 贮水

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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