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Analysis on Evolution for the Erect Panicle Type Varieties of Rice

作  者: ; ; ; ; (邱福林); (邵国军); (华泽田);

机构地区: 沈阳农业大学农学院

出  处: 《沈阳农业大学学报》 2002年第3期161-166,共6页

摘  要: 20世纪上半叶 ,国内外开始陆续出现了直立穗型水稻品种。自1974年辽宁省农作物品种审定委员会成立以来 ,共审定直立、半直立穗型水稻品种30个 ,占审定品种总数的36.6% ,其中 ,“八五”期间达到审定品种总数的32% ,“九五”期间则上升到55%。自20世纪90年代以来 ,辽宁省直立穗型水稻品种的种植面积迅速扩大 ,年种植面积从6.67×104hm2提高到26.67×104hm2 ,种植比例也迅速提高 ,从15%左右提高到50 %以上 ,1999年高达63.6%。辽宁省审定的直立穗型水稻品种中 ,有2/3的品种直立穗型基因来自意大利古老品种巴利拉 ,而且与辽粳5号亲缘关系密切。中国北方地区 (除辽宁省外 )推广种植的直立穗型水稻品种中 ,有53.3 %的品种与巴利拉有亲缘关系。以辽宁省审定的62个粘型常规水稻品种为对象进行对比分析 ,发现直立穗型品种相对于弯曲穗型品种 ,具有产量潜力较高 ,株高较矮。 Based on literature and experiments, the genetics, diversities and physiological and ecological properties of erect panicle rice as well as its history were studied. The results showed that the rice varieties with erect panicles had been developed in China and abroad in the early 20th century.Thirty erect and semi-erect panicle rice varieties accounting for 36.6% of the total were released from 1974 to 2000 in Liaoning Province. From 1996 to 2000, the erect and semi-erect panicle rice varieties accounted for 55% of total released ones, but only 32% from 1991 to 1995. The planting areas of erect panicle rice has been extended rapidly since 1990s, from 6.67×104hm2 to 2.67×105hm2,accounting for 15% and 50% of rice planting area respectively. It reached as high as 63.6% in 1999. Two-thirds of the released varieties with erect panicles have genes from Italian old variety Balilla. They all have a close relationship with Liaojing 5. 53.5% erect panicle varieties grown in the north excluding Liaoning province have some relationships with Balilla. By comparative analysis for the 62 released zhan-type varieties, it was found that the erect panicle type rice had higher yield potentialities, shorter plants, smaller panicle and higher density of seed setting.

关 键 词: 直立穗型 水稻 品种 演进状况

领  域: [农业科学] [农业科学] [农业科学]




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