作 者: ;
机构地区: 上海国际问题研究院
出 处: 《公共外交季刊》 2016年第2期65-80,127-128,共18页
摘 要: 城市的对外交往活力是连接城市对外交往能量与其在国际社会实际对外交往影响力的中观概念和中间变量,体现在社会、文化、经贸及政治四个领域。本文通过一个创新性的指标体系测量了中国46个主要城市的对外交往活力情况并以指数的形式得以呈现。城市对外交往活力与城市发展程度有密切关系,我国城市对外交往活力指数东西差距相较于南北差距更为明显;我国城市对外交往活力指数在不同城市群之间呈现出中心突出、差距悬殊和各具特色的特点。 City diplomatic vitality is an intermediate variable and concept connecting a city's diplomacy activity energy and its international influence, and is reflected in the four fields of society, culture, economy and trade, and politics. The paper measures 46 major Chinese cities' diplomacy activities' vitality in the form of an index through an innovative indexing system. A city's diplomatic vitality is closely related to its development level. The gaps between cities in the east and west of China are much more conspicuous than those between cities in the north and south of the country. In Chinese city clusters, central cities have much stronger diplomatic vitality than smaller satellite cities while all the cities demonstrate various characteristics.